
Verner Panton by Innovation Collection

The Danish designer Verner Panton was fascinated by the potential of plastics. His experiments led him to create new relationships between architecture, art and design. In 1970, on the occasion of the Cologne Furniture Fair, Verner Panton set up Visiona 2, the showroom of the chemical company Bayer. He then proposed a home of the future, a journey into a psychedelic universe, very colourful, upholstered, without standards, creating total freedom of use. The visitor is immersed in a sea of colours and curved shapes, accompanied by a world of sound. The Phantom armchair almost thirty years later, in 1998, revives the shapes of his armchairs presented at Visiona 2.

  • Author·s
  • Year of creation
  • Editor
  • Typology
  • Materials
  • Colors
  • Dimensions
    80cm 35cm 112cm
  • Inventory number
  • Status
    Not exhibited