Spiral SP 1

Like its name suggests, the Spiral SP1 is a hanging lamp built of several Cellidor® (a high-strength acrylic fiber) plastic spirals, of different lengths, attached to a base, in order to form into the spheroid shape of the final piece. This project is regarded as a further development of another of Panton’s lighting fixtures, the Fun/Shell lamp (1963), which presented a similar structure, although with different, round shaped, pieces. The plastic material granted the designer the opportunity of exploring different color combinations, and it very much plays into the space-age aesthetic of the 1960’s and 1970’s, especially when combined with all the other pieces that comprised the Visiona II (1970) environment. The period’s collective fantasy of a futuristic and stellar lifestyle was materialized by several different designers in projects as big as whole houses and as small as tiny table lamps.